Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Our Washington DC Trip First day (just a few pictures)

August 6th has come and gone, and our much antisipated trip to DC has been lived and is now gone. School and a new job started. Jalen doesn't work, he's just waiting for the day that he lives for Basic Training (September 26th). Our DC trip turned out to be a the end of our High School years and the beginning of adulthood. In every end there is also a beginning. Naturally our trip was one of the best experiences of my life. I gained alot of major life skills (with the help of Jake-Jalen's brother), I learned to read a Metro map, to travel without my parents, and to not only do everyday things like the dishes, and laundry for myself but for Jalen as well.

Salt Lake City Airport
 Well...we got through airport security, and made it to the gate with an hour and a half to spare, so naturally we were waiting on the plane.

The airplane at 30,000 feet

Jake and Jalen at The Capital
 We made it! This was the first day that we were there. We walked from the top of The Mall to the bottom, about 6-8 miles in one day in Washington DC humidity. Great way to start off the trip. :)

Jalen and I at The Capital

Jalen holding The Washington Monument

The White House
As Jake would say, "No Obama today".