16 DAYS LEFT!!!! It's getting so close to seeing my amazing man again that I can almost smell him (in a good way). :) That probably seemed weird to read. I guess I should inform you that I love the way he smells and that was one of the first things that I noticed about him. Even when he's not wearing cologne I love the way he smells, pure man, ugh!
So an update on what has been happening while Jalen has been gone. School, work, homework, stir, and repeat. I haven't done much stuff due to the fact that I have a ton of homework all the time. But, this past weekend I officially found people who really understand what I'm going through right now. They are the girls of the USAFGF facebook group. All of these girls are either dealing with their boyfriends/husbands being deployed or just at basic training like Jalen. Actually there are five us that have guys graduating the same week, so we'll hopefully get to meet. :) Also, because I don't fly in until Wednesday night, missing all of the first days events, the amazing ladies going the same weekend have agreed to be my messenger. They have agreed to carry part of a 4 part letter to Jalen, give him a huge hug for me, and let him know that he's really not alone even if his family and I aren't there. Each girl has been sent a letter showing my appreciation and another sealed envelope with the part of the letter they're responsible for. Each part of the letter expresses my regret of not being there, how proud of Jalen I am, my love for him, and how excited I am to see him the next morning. Hopefully, these letters and hugs makes him feel better about not seeing me... I wish him luck, and I hope all the letters make it to him safely. :) The count down continues....