Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Apparently I lied

I said in my last post that I vowed to do better on updating this blog consistently, well..I lied apparently.

Let me make up for the time missed.

Jalen and I bought a house just shortly after the Tough Mudder in October. It's a three bedroom, two and a half bath house with an unfinished basement. We weren't originally looking to buy a house, but we were at the mall getting a new set of tires put on my car, just killing time and the mall has a booth of a bunch of house flyers. So of course I wanted to look at them for fun. I found the flyer for our house; I turned to Jalen and asked if we could go look at it as a joke. Jalen surprised me by saying yes. Long story short...we made the appointment to look at it that day, we loved it, and two days later we made an offer that was accepted.

Sorry for the mess in the closet and laundry room. These were taken just after we moved in and I hadn't finished putting everything where it was suppose to go.

We moved in on November 16th so that we could be moved in by Thanksgiving. My parents were coming up for Thanksgiving and they didn't know we bought a house. We kept it a secret so that we could surprise them. How did we surprise them, you ask. Well I told my mom to text me when she was on her way to the apartment because we were going to "breakfast". We really just needed to know when they were on their way so we could meet them there. So that went as planned; we met them at the apartment, told them we had a surprise and to follow us. When we got the house they had caught on and were very proud and happy for us. I know, not much of a story....

Thanksgiving went really well for it being the first Thanksgiving that I had to cook.

Christmas was spent with just me and Jalen and our cats. I made ham, mashed potatoes, rolls, and vegetable after Jalen and I had spoiled each other with presents.

I decorated with everything blue and silver. It turned out really well but I'm still trying to get rid of all the glitter from the decorations though.

More later...

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