Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Hurdle has been cleared

Well...the previous hurdle has been cleared. Instead of taking the Pharmacy class, Jalen and I have decided to take a trip to... (drum roll please)... WASHINGTON D.C!!!


This will be the first time I will fly on an airplane since I went to Florida with my family when I was 6 or so.

I'm so EXCITED!!!

We'll be staying with Jalen's older brother, Jake, whom is so kind as to let us stay in the house that he's house sitting for a friend. (The friend is very very kind to let us use his house). Also, Jake is very kind to take a week off of work to show us around Washington D.C. We will be seeing musuems like The Smithsonian, The Holocaust Museum, and Arlington Cemetary.

To top it all off, I will be able to have lunch with my Dance Company coach from last year. Mrs. Holly Petty!!